1. Establish your long-term vision.
Take a good look at your company and its core competencies and create a written picture of your future. 2. Communicate your vision. Let everybody know what your vision is and ask them what it means to them. This will help you to get buy-in and help others know where you are going in the long term so they can see where they fit in. 3. Establish some core values. By establishing some core values, everyone will know the guidelines of their actions and decisions. Core values allow us to come up with similar answers to a problem regardless of the position of an employee based on our values. 4. Establish your goals. Set long term, (1-5 years) intermediate, (Quarterly, BI-yearly) and short term goals (Daily, weekly, and monthly) for your entire company. 5. Create action plans for each goal. Make sure you have very specific steps for each goal accomplishment. 6. Challenge everyone to meet the goals. Most people will step up to the challenge and exceed your expectations. 7. Recognize and reward employees for their achievements. This will inspire others to achieve more. What gets rewarded gets repeated. If you have any questions about how to keep your top talent, contact us today! Marc Simms |