4 Ways To Go From Manager To Leader

4 Ways To Go From Manager To Leader Those that manage a team may or may not be a leader. Being a manager doesn’t automatically mean you are able to lead a team. There is a distinct difference in the two. Managers are those that meet deadlines and get their job done in a timely way. While vital to any company, a manager can take their role a step further if they learn how to lead too. Leaders have the ability to stretch their team and bring them to a new level. They help them with a vision and ways to achieve their roles. If you want to go from a manager to a leader, do the following: 1.     A…

Is your top talent leaving your business?

  Avoid losing your high performing top talent with these quick tips. Conduct an employee survey – find out what your staff thinks about the direction of the company, their role, job satisfaction, their supervisor, company benefits, communications, training, development, support, etc… Once completed, compile the information and look for any trends or common themes. Salary analysis & competition – There have been a plethora of reports stating that most people do not leave primarily for more money. However, they do leave if they feel underpaid for the value they bring to the company. Conduct a competitive wage analysis to ensure your pay scale has not fallen behind. Treat your employees like they matter – As the economy continues to…

Creating A Corporate Culture To Attract Top Talent

  Creating a corporate culture that attracts top talent is an investment in your company’s future. It is very important to recognize that becoming an employer of choice is not luck; it is a strategy. A strategy that starts at the top and is lived and articulated by everyone. A companywide endeavor that is communicated consistently in words and actions. Everyone within your organization needs to know that it is the goal of the company to become the employer of choice. Your message must be congruent in all aspects of marketing too. Your website, social media accounts, marketing brochures, etc… must all show the company values in its communications. What are employees looking for? Employees want to know a company…

Welcome to the RPM Blog

“We are Talent Management Solutions for Business” RPM Business Advisors strategically aligns with business owners and top executives to develop best practices for their company in Finding, Selecting, Retaining & Developing Top Talent. “We are what you would call Employee Performance Specialists”  Founded in 2006 RPM has a highly successful track record in many aspects of Talent Management.  Originally formed to coach and train employees to the next level of success, from Entry Level to C-Level, that commitment still stands true today. Scroll down to see our next blog post or view by recent posts, or by categories on the right side of this page. >>